19 October 2011

Oh, Google

Google voice transcription of background noise when someone accidentally pocket dialed me:

Hey hey, how sorry bye. Hey, Just okay bye bye bye. Ciao. Thank you. Hello How, yeah Okay bye. Ohh okay, bye. But quo, okay bye bye, okay bye okay Kirk, bye. Cook please bye hey. Hello Hello. Hello. I think. Bye still talk, cost the commercial. Okay bye. Dick, call and Mark, dot, com hey, book. Hey check. Thanks, hey, spoke out bye drop left bye bye, back okay okay bye bye. Hey. Okay bye. Okay, bye Park City. Hey, hey. Hey, bye hey hey you, bye hey pitch. That's perfect book, good okay. I'll talk to you. If you are. I love you bye bye. What's up are you back bro. Hello, hey hello.

Clearly, Google expects a large fraction of phone messages to consist of "hey," "hello," "bye."

12 October 2011


The Rackham dissertation requirements state that "at least" the first sentence of all figure captions must appear in the "List of figures" at the beginning of the thesis. I follow the stylistic convention of having a brief description of the figure as the first sentence, and a sometimes lengthy elaboration afterward. It is unwieldy to have a paragraph of explanatory text appear in the index at the beginning, so I've been using the \caption[as it appears in index]{as it appears on the page} feature of LaTeX captions to have only the first sentence show in the index. To prevent the duplication of text, and to comply with the requirement that the first sentence must exactly match, I wrote the following simple but very useful LaTeX macro:


Now, I can write my caption as \Caption{Cross-sections in my test problem.}{Light regions have $\sigma=1$.} without having to manually duplicate the first sentence.