When the App Store for Mac came out, I was excited at the chance to buy iPhoto without paying for the other apps that I didn't need. My excitement quickly turned to remorse as I encountered bug after bug after bug. Additionally, iPhoto removed useful functionality like the ability to use command shortcuts to switch between photos in "View" mode: in iPhoto it is now impossible to add comments to a number of photos in succession without a lot of mousing around.
I wrote an Applescript to partially overcome this limitation. It takes the selection and gives a dialog box for commenting each one. If the selection is contiguous it will properly display the photos in full screen mode as you comment them.
(* Quickly comment the selected photos in iPhoto '11, viewing them in full screen if the selection is contiguous. Authored by Seth R Johnson, licensed under Simplified BSD. *) tell application "iPhoto" activate -- this works best with contiguous photos set sel_photos to selection if number of sel_photos is 0 or (class of item 1 of sel_photos is not photo) then error "Please make sure photos are selected." end if -- press the space bar to make the photos full screen tell application "System Events" to keystroke " " repeat with this_photo in sel_photos tell this_photo set c to comment of this_photo display dialog "Enter the comment for photo '" & (title of this_photo) & "':" default answer c buttons {"Cancel", "Apply"} default button 2 set new_comment to text returned of result if c is not new_comment then set the comment of this_photo to new_comment end if end tell -- Press the right arrow key to advance to the next photos in the album tell application "System Events" to keystroke (ASCII character 29) end repeat end tell